Foster youth in context / Fred Wulczyn -- A comparative examination of foster youth who did and did not achieve permanency / Penelope L. Maza -- Outcomes for older youth exiting the foster care system in the United States / Mark E. Courtney -- Outcomes for youth exiting the foster care system : extending what we know and what needs to be done with selected data / Peter J. Pecora -- Permanence and impermanence for youth in out-of-home care / Richard P. Barth and Laura K. Chintapalli -- Permanence is a state of security and attachment / Gretta Cushing and Benjamin Kerman -- Permanence for older children and youth : law, policy, and research / Madelyn Freundlich -- Federal law and child welfare reform : the research-policy interface in promoting permanence for older children and youth / Rosemary J. Avery -- Guardianship and youth permanence / Robert B. Hill -- A fine balancing act : kinship care, subsidized guardianship, and outcomes / Aron Shlonsky -- Dependency court reform addressing the permanency needs of youth in foster care : national evaluation of the court improvement program / Karl Ensign, Sabrina A. Davis, and Elizabeth Lee -- Facilitation of systems reform : learning from model court jurisdictions / Shirley A. Dobbin -- Permanent families for adolescents : applying lessons learned from a family reunification demonstration program / Barbara A. Pine and Robin Spath -- Youth permanence through adoption / Ruth G. McRoy and Elissa Madden -- Family-involvement meetings with older children in foster care : promising practices and the challenge of child welfare reform / David Crampton and Joan Pennell -- Developmentally appropriate community-based responses to the permanency needs of older youth involved in the child welfare system / Sandra Stukes Chipungu, Laura G. Daughtery, and Benjamin Kerman -- Social and life skills development : preparing and facilitating youth for transition into young adults / Hewitt B. Clark and Kimberly A. Crosland -- From research to practice : improving permanency outcomes for youth in foster care / Madelyn Freundlich [and others] -- Afterword : making families permanent and cases closed : concluding thoughts and recommendations.